Positions available
Positions available at the Division of Translational Cancer Research (TCR). Welcome to apply to this collaborative research work place.
Postdoc Scholarship: Novel Strategies to Reprogram Tumor-Associated Macrophages
Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are dynamic cells displaying a spectrum of states and phenotypes ranging from antitumor/immunostimulating (often termed M1-like) to protumor/immunosuppressive (also known as M2-like). Previous research has demonstrated that TAMs located in close proximity to tumor vessels (perivascular TAMs) promote vessel abnormalization and facilitate metastatic dissemination. Both published and preliminary data suggest the relevance of perivascular TAMs in human cancers, as their accumulation correlates with increased malignancy and metastasis. Moreover, pro-tumor TAMs contribute to tumor growth by inhibiting tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that target tumor cells. Hence, TAMs can assume diverse and crucial roles in cancer progression. However, our understanding of how these distinct TAM phenotypes manifest remains limited.
Over the years, Rolny and colleagues have demonstrated that reprogramming the pro-tumor phenotype of TAMs into an anti-tumor Page 2(3) phenotype represents a promising anti-cancer strategy. We have now identified a unique pathway that regulates the pro-tumor functions of TAMs, offering potential for the development of novel anti-cancer targets. The postdoctoral project will investigate downstream targets of this pathway to identify novel strategies for reprogramming TAMs in experimental models as well as patient samples.
Lund University, Faculty of Medicine hereby invites applications for a postdoctoral scholarship:
Reference number: V2024/180
Placement: Department of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Translational Cancer Research
Scholarship period: 2 years
Preliminary start date:
Last day for applying:
Supervisor/contact person: Charlotte Rolny, charlotte [dot] rolny [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
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